We use a fully automated service to search for cancellation day and night, seven days a week.
Enter your details on the sign-up page and you are away.
We find a cancellation for you and send you a text message with the date and time.
Simply reply to the text with BOOK and we’ll book the cancellation for you. No, good? Just ignore the message and we’ll carry on looking for you.
You book your new test and DVSA send you a confirmation email.
Did we mention that we’re the cheapest in the UK? You also get multiple test centres, and if you book a test we will continue to look for an earlier date. Automatically. No need to ask. Full service. Low price.
Fill in a few details so that we can find you a sooner driving test date and contact you when we've got one
If we don’t find you a cancellation you get your money back. No hassle, no fuss. You get it back.